Monday, September 27, 2010

HW4: My families foodways

            My Grandparents were raised during the Great Depression when food was scarce and anything was welcome, so their eating habits probably were inconsistent and limited. When my mother was a child, my Grandpa had made a ton in the stock market and he was a successful Broadway accountant, so they lived well, I’m sure my mom never went hungry as a child.  My Grandma mostly cooked Jewish/Russian foods, seeing as her mother had come on the boat from Russia, and that’s what my mother was raised eating.  I don’t know if other people in America were really eating unhealthy yet at that point but my mom wasn’t because she was only served home cooked, family recipes.
            That healthy eating as a child is probably why my mom raised me and my sister to eat fairly healthy. I remember ordering out a lot not so much home cooked, but I do remember not being allowed to eat junk foods and really unhealthy things. When we got older and would go places with out or mom we would eat all the junk we could, but the habit of good eating was already instilled in us. As a preteen/ teenager going to lunch around SOF and having a limited amount of money I ate a lot of pizza, not the healthiest stuff, but not fast food.
            My Great-grandma and my grandma and my moms eating habits defiantly influenced mine. I seems that people who were raised on eating what ever they could get and not what was healthy would continue that habit, since I was raised to be healthy, probably because I am still close to mu fully Russian ancestors, who raised my Grandma, who raised my mom, who raised me, so the less American way of eating is still in play.  
            Presently, I would rather eat something organic and healthy than any thing else. Especially knowing now where all the food we get comes from, all those hellish “farms” and slaughterhouses. But we cant even know for sure if what were eating isn’t from one of those places. We can’t know how much pesticides were sprayed on our foods, or just how much genetically modifying is really going on. It makes me want to just stop eating! But of course that would be counter productive…

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