Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Hospital

You wake up in the wee hours of the morning. Carelessly throw on what every clothes are closest. Get in the taxi and head to Manhattan, all the while trying not to think of that upcoming horror. Fill out some forms and get into your paper gown, and you wait. Seven different doctors and interns tell you the same things and ask the same questions seven times. You walk into the operating room. The white and shiny-ness of the whole room almost blinds you as you lay down on the table. It’s freezing in here. They’ll give you a heated blanket, and fuss around you for a minuet getting ready. At my request Kanye West is playing in the background. There having trouble getting a line in to administer the anesthesia to knock me unconscious. They put a mask over my face; ive already requested the injection of anathema and not the mask so they tell me its just oxygen. But I taste the gas. Slowly my world blurs, spins, Kanye's voice slows to an almost inaudible growl, and darkness. I wake up several hours later. In pain. Unable to move or talk. Thirsty. There are doctors all around me still, making sure im alive. Wiggle your toes if you can hear me they say. And I do. Im rolling rolling. Elevator. Rolling. This was three weeks ago.
I hate the hospital. I don’t go there unless I absolutely have to, which actually is quite a lot. Ive got at least 5 doctors, 5 specialists, all working out of hospitals, so even when im not really ill I still have to go to the hospital a lot. 19 hospitalizations in 11 years. It’s hard to write about. Ive tried so very hard to block it all out, but its always haunting my memory. I don’t think I can do this… sorry. 


America’s health care system is run completely by the insurance and drug companies, who spend billions buying out members of congress so they can keep robbing and denying deserving Americans the coverage they need. Many have died because they were denied coverage. The government wants us to think that that is they best way to deal with health care, Ask anyone from a nation with socialized healthcare, healthcare for all no matter what is without a doubt the best way to run healthcare. In America if you cant pay you hospital bills you get literally thrown out on the curb, real life heroes, 9/11 rescue workers, volunteers who risked their lives, they get denied health care too. BUT the prisoners at Guantanamo bay have better healthcare available to them than most Americans.


Moore talks to a lot of people who were denied health care and even some people who died (before they were dead of course) and also to a person who’s job it was to get the insurance companies out of paying for health care.

This point is obviously a strong one cause it plays on our sympathy and also shows us gruesome sides to “health care” most people were unaware of.

He also talks about Guantanamo bay, how our nations supposed biggest threats and enemies are getting better health care than most of our citizens.

Personally I think this is such a strong point because it shows just how little out government cares about its people.  

I had heard about this outside of Sicko, that prisoners at Guantanamo bay get better health care than most americans, and it is 100% true. repulsive or not.

like Moore said; out government and out government run media and conglomerate run government, has been lying to the American people for years and years and are now doing the same thing trying to smear Moore's name so people wont take what hes saying seriously, so they can continue lying to us and exploiting us. 

“if you can find money to kill people you can find money to help people…
keeping people hopeless and pessimistic, see I think there are two ways in which people are controlled; first of all frightened people and secondly demoralized. An educated healthy and confident nation is harder to govern, and I think theres an element in the thinking of some people; we don’t want people to be educated healthy and confident because then they would get out of control. The top 1% of the worlds population own 80% of the worlds wealth, I think its incredible that people put up with it, but, there poor there demoralized there frightened so they think perhaps the safest thing to do is take orders and hope for the best”

Tony Benn former member of Parliament